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4 Oct 2013

How you can add Recent Comment Widget button on your Blog? Learn with easy step here

Comments are the foremost vital a part of any journal or web site. It helps you to create a community or relation along with your journal followers. It lets your guests to relinquish feedback or raise any question on you journal post in variety of comments. during this tutorial i will be able to teach you to feature Recent Comment gadget to your blogger blog. It shows most up-to-date comments on your journal together with the post link on that comment are announce and name of user World Health Organization commented. this can allow you to fathom new and most up-to-date comments on your journal and permit you to simply reply to those comments. This gadget is coded in Javascript and titled with CSS. you will customise the gadget consistent with colour scheme of your blogger template. therefore lets start.

How To Add Most Recent Comment Widget To Blogger Blog ?

1. Go to blogger Dashboard > Layout
2. Now click on Add Gadget and Select Html/Javascript
3. Paste the code given below in it.
 <script style=text/javascript src=" comments widget.js"></script><script style=text/javascript >var a_rc=5;var m_rc=false;var n_rc=true;var o_rc=100;</script><script src= ></script>
<span id=mbw-cr><a href=>Recent Comments Widget</a></span><style type=text/css> .rcw-comments a {text-transform: capitalize;} .rcw-comments {border-bottom: 1px solid #666; padding-top: 6px!important; padding-bottom: 6px!important;} #mbw-cr {font-family: Arial,Tahoma;font-size:8px;padding-top:6px;display:block;} </style>

 4. Make following changes to the above code. 
  • Replace with your blog url.
  • Change #666 to change color of border (line below each comment)
  • Change solid to dotted to make the border dotted
5. Save it and you will have Recent comment widget on your blog


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